This indicator means that the Interministerial Commission for the Blue Economy (EB) is operating effectively. Its role is to guide the collaborative implementation of the Blue Economy strategy in specific areas. This guidance is based on scientific evidence and aligned with National Development Cooperation (NDC) priorities.
The Interministerial Commission is established
Objective : Establishment of the interministerial committee
Unité de mesure : Done - 100%
Work plans for the interdepartmental committee are approved by the interdepartmental committee.
Objective : Validation of the work plans of the Interministerial Commission
Unité de mesure : In progress
A data portal on the blue economy is operational
Objective : Setting up a web platform dedicated to the blue economy
Unité de mesure : In progress - 90%
A strategic environmental and social assessment to inform the BE strategy is adopted
Objective : Adopt a strategic environmental and social assessment to inform the blue economy strategy
Unité de mesure : In progress
A BE strategy aligned with, inter alia, NDC is adopted by the Inter-ministerial commission for subsequent implementation in targeted areas
Objective : Adopt a strategy aligned with, among other things, the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) by the Inter-ministerial Commission for subsequent implementation in specific targeted areas
Unité de mesure : In progress
This indicator shows that the Blue Economy strategy is being actively implemented in two pilot regions, in line with the guidelines and objectives set by the European Commission.
Blue economy action plans with climate resilience provisions are developed and budgeted in two Regions
Objective : Enable the implementation of the blue economy strategy in two pilot regions in accordance with the NDC by 2026
Unité de mesure : In progress
Two regions have adopted their respective EB action plans with provisions relating to climate resilience
Objective : Two regions to adopt blue economy action plans, incorporating climate resilience measures into their provisions.
Unité de mesure : In progress
Monitoring of the marine and coastal ecosystems in Targeted Areas is enhanced to support evidence-based decision-making for a climate-resilient BE
Evaluation of coastal zones using remote sensing
Objective : 3,947,000 ha of coastal zone assessed by remote sensing
Unité de mesure : HA - Source : ANDA
Coverage of beaches by monitoring programmes
Objective : A total of 204 beaches covered by monitoring programmes
Unité de mesure : HA - Source : ANDA
Assessment of fish stocks
Objective : A total of 17 fish stocks assessed by INRH to provide scientific advice for better management of fish stocks.
Unité de mesure : Stock de poisson - Source : INRH
This indicator measures the degree to which Aghroud's tourist zones are equipped with basic utilities in line with the principles set out in the National Development Charter (NDC). It assesses the availability and accessibility of services such as drinking water, electricity, sanitation, roads and other infrastructure required for the development and sustainability of tourist areas.
The SDR ‘Aghroud Aménagement’ is operational
Objective : Set up the SDR "Aghroud Aménagement" regional development company
Unité de mesure : % - In progress
Cumulative 594 ha in Aghroud is equipped for sustainable tourism
Objective : Developing the Aghroud areas for sustainable tourism
Unité de mesure : HA
This DLI incentivizes stabilizing 1,060 ha of sand dunes and restoring 9.418 ha of coastal forests (Rif littoral, Frange Méditerranéenne and Tanger-Asilah) and establishing three MPAs covering 61,500ha in Agadir, Larache, and Three Forks Cape.
Objective : Restore 15,710 HA of coastal forests
Unité de mesure : HA