


Welcome to the dashboard section.
The data and graphs on this page show the indicators and targets relating to the blue economy in Morocco.

In this section, you will be able to view two types of indicators: disbursement-Linked Indicators and intermediate indicators.

DLI concept

The Disbursement-Linked Indicators (DLI) have been selected to take account of the critical elements of performance required to achieve the objectives relating to the blue economy

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This indicator means that the Interministerial Commission for the Blue Economy (EB) is operating effectively. Its role is to guide the collaborative implementation of the Blue Economy strategy in specific areas. This guidance is based on scientific evidence and aligned with National Development Cooperation (NDC) priorities.

The Interministerial Commission is established
Objective : Establishment of the interministerial committee
0 100
Unité de mesure : Done - 100%
Work plans for the interdepartmental committee are approved by the interdepartmental committee.
Objective : Validation of the work plans of the Interministerial Commission
0 100
Unité de mesure : In progress
A data portal on the blue economy is operational
Objective : Setting up a web platform dedicated to the blue economy
0 100
Unité de mesure : In progress - 90%
A strategic environmental and social assessment to inform the BE strategy is adopted
Objective : Adopt a strategic environmental and social assessment to inform the blue economy strategy
0 100
Unité de mesure : In progress
A BE strategy aligned with, inter alia, NDC is adopted by the Inter-ministerial commission for subsequent implementation in targeted areas
Objective : Adopt a strategy aligned with, among other things, the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) by the Inter-ministerial Commission for subsequent implementation in specific targeted areas
0 100
Unité de mesure : In progress
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