For a sustainable and resilient blue economy ...

Morocco has vast potential in the blue economy, with its two maritime façades extending over an exclusive maritime economic zone.

Pour une économie bleue durable et résiliente ...

Le Maroc dispose d’un réel potentiel en matière d’économie bleue. Ses deux façades maritimes s’étendant sur 3500 km de littoral, 1.2 millions de km² de zone économique maritime exclusive.


Volume of fish farm production in Morocco


Number of active fish farms


Surface area of MPAs


Value of aquaculture production in Morocco (dhs)

Concept of the blue economy

The sea is a driver of economic growth and one of the main factors in the development and power of nations.

It has been estimated that the sea and oceans account for 5.4 million jobs and a gross added value of almost 500 billion euros per year.



Discover our latest publications on the blue economy: analyses, studies, reports, etc.

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Programme documents - Published on 01/09/2023
Environmental and social impact assessment of the “Accelerating the development of the Blue Economy in the Kingdom of Morocco” project (this document is only available in french))

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of the Project (Accelerating the development of the blue economy in the Kingdom of Morocco) in accordance with the World Bank's Environmental and Soci ...

Programme documents - Published on 15/12/2022
Environmental and social commitment plan (pees) to accelerate the development of the blue economy in the Kingdom of Morocco (p179612) (this document is available only in french))

The Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) sets out the important measures and actions that the beneficiary must carry out or have carried out, including, where appropriate, deadlines for act ...

Programme documents - Published on 29/11/2022
Stakeholder engagement plan

This PMPP has been prepared in compliance with Moroccan regulations and with the World Bank's Environmental and Social Framework applicable to the Project, and more specifically with Environmental and ...

Programme documents - Published on 09/11/2022
Operations Manual – Program For Results (PPR) – Blue Economy Development Program (P172926) (this document is only availabe in french)

The Program Operations Manual (POM) is the reference document for program implementation. It describes the "how-to" of implementing the agreements and decisions reached during the Program development ...


Discover the different key partners of the blue economy in Morocco ...